
Photo from Transformational Author Workshop with River Crossing Playback September 2013So you’re curious to see what this is all about? Maybe jump in and try it yourself? Workshops are how you learn to do Playback Theatre, experience the thrill of telling, listening and improvising the experiences of your group-mates. We have also found that ongoing classes also fulfill another need: cultivating a community that supports learning this sometimes challenging art.

You can also request a workshop for your organization, worship community or other group in which everyone is invited to tell, listen and play the stories of others.

If you thought watching Playback Theatre was fun, you should try it yourself. All kinds of people report how energized they get from workshops–irrespective of their prior theatre experience, outgoing nature or other stereotypical “theatre attributes.”

Come, watch…and jump in! The water is warm.

Contact Chris at (717) 382-8292 or for more information.